Saturday, December 29, 2007
Happy Holidaze
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Warm wishes
We also attended the grand Folly Beach Christmas parade on Saturday along with a holiday parade party from friends from work, Tara and Brad with little Elliott. Many of the children at Tara's were infants. Corinne had a blast with new toys, new people, new stimuli.
Roman is ending his last week away for work. Lucky for us gj came down for another bonding week with Corinne. Poor gj. It seems every time she visits the grandkids somebody is sick! Corinne has been battling a fever and vomiting all week. This is the first time we've had to really deal with her not feeling well to where she wouldn't (and couldn't) eat anything. Her spirits have been fairly low with whimpering (and an occasional whine). Of course, we would swim across the Atlantic and back for her if it would make her smile and feel better. After being vomited on for the third time, Mom and I headed to the Pig for popsicles and Pedialyte. Hopefully we'll see her perk up soon.
We're also hoping for some cool, wintery weather. I drove down Folly Road Tuesday listening to 'Frosty the Snowman' on the (cheezy) Christmas radio station with my AC cranked. I kid you not. It was 80 degrees outside. Ahhhhh!
Hope everyone is getting into the holiday spirit in your area. Until the next post..... Happy Holidays!
Friday, November 23, 2007
Many Thanks
Roman aided the fellow fishermen of Edenton, NC last week as they stocked striped bass 'stripers' to their local waterways. He compared the small town to Beaufort, very quaint and historic. Meanwhile, Pappy and gj were enjoying hanging out in Charleston with the girls. Thanks again to Mom and Dad for helping us out.
Roman only works with 4 other people at the Hatchery, so everyone pulls a holiday shift at some point. He opted to work for Thanksgiving so he can relax with Corinne for her first Christmas and New Year's. We headed to Mt Pleasant to join Joel and Suzi's crew. There's never a shortage of fried turkey, Mandy's butternut squash, Nougettina (sp?) dessert, beer, wine, and extra kids to play with Corinne.
Jodi and Katie are being prepped for babysitting.
Christopher is thinking PROM in a few years :-)
Sunday, November 18, 2007
These vids were taken on the night before her 10 month b-day (11-9-07) Sorry for the delay in posting.
On one of the attempts, Corinne fell and hit her tooth/lip to my knee while recording the video and she's been a bit "gunshy" of walking ever since. At this point crawling is not only more efficient, but safer too!
Monday, November 12, 2007
Boogie Fever
It was great to see old friends, too. Amy and Chris were up from Jacksonville. They lived in our house before we moved in. Glad to hear they are happy and prosperous!
Roman is off to Edenton, NC to play with more fish. Pappy and gj will arrive to save the day again.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Happy Halloween!
Thanks to Mimi for the costume!
The next star of Swan Lake seen here in her studio.
Daddy didn't look quite as cute.
Hope everyone had a fun night!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
gj visits
Firsts of the Season
Now that the weather has finally turned cooler, we can break out the sweaters and afghans. Mimi just sent a fun package with a beautiful new crocheted sweater & hat set. She needed it today as our high reached a mere 62. Perfect timing and perfect stitching, Mimi! They both fit just right.
Finished Floors
Thursday, October 18, 2007
What's Your Vector, Victor?
Corinne has also earned a new nickname; Vector. That is she carries everything contagious back home from daycare. There's been multiple cases of the common cold, thrush, etc... Most recently when dropping her off in the morning the teachers warned Melanie of a new pathogen infecting not only kids but the 'rents too. Interestingly, in a matter of 24 hours Mel had caught the bug: vomiting, nausea, tired, etc. At the same time Dad caught another version of the common cold (we'll call it 4.0). While Mel's illness only lasted 24 hours, Dad is still battling his and Corinne managed to defeat all! Go figure!?!?
This photo was taken the night Dad began feeling sick-wonder why?
Corinne, happy and feelin' good
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Energizer Bunny

Roman and I are so over the heat down here. A few cool days this weekend teased us. The mosquitos aren't dead yet, so it's not cold enough for me. Roman has officially finished the floors and the trimwork. We'll get some photos of his handywork up soon.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Goin' Mobile
So, as you can see Corinne is becoming quite agile. She's quick like lightning and can manage the small step down in the house just fine. She is a complete JOY!!!!!
Oh yeah-She's cut her third tooth (top).
Hope everyone has enjoyed!