Auntie Ang quickly learned the promise of the Baby Bjorn, or as we like to call it- "The Silver Bullet"
Notice the "Sho-Rest" sign in the background.
The first day at the Sho-Rest was very windy. Just ask Auntie Ang, her plane was the last to use Charleston Airport that day. The passenger sitting next to her made ample use of the air sickness bag in one of their four attempts to land.

Drink Stella Artois, it's a wonderfully refreshing beer from Belgium perfect for those hot days in the sun. Also, your wife and children may enjoy too! Notice Aunt Angela's 'Airplane ride.' Corinne reminded Angela every day that she needed to fly the friendly skies!
Some milestones that were reached during the Crumpton visit:
- Rolling over and holding her head up
- Reaching our for toys
- Discovering Dora the Explorer. Corinne loves her cartoons.
- Increased Self-Soothing (i.e. fist-in-mouth)
- 15 week doctor visit (see below)
We had her four month checkup on Thursday, she's actually 15 wks, but being the proud (and unbiased;)) parents we are WE TOLD the doctor that she's experiencing above average development. He replied, "My kids at this age were doing calculus"--Smartass. Corinne grew to 27 1/4" (90th percentile for height-those Crumpton genes that skipped her daddy are starting to be exhibited) and is 14 lbs (75th percentile).
Anyway, we really enjoyed the time we got to spend with the Crumpton side: Mom, Ang, Murray, and Rooster all made it to the beach for a visit, and for that we are tuly indebtted.
Now the Rutledges (Pappy and gj) are staying on Folly for the next 5 weeks to take care of the little one. They have their work cut out for them because the day after the Crumptons left, we think Corinne may be beginning to teethe. Good luck Pappy and gj.
Glamour Shots by Mimi and Angela:
"Free Bird!"
"Quiet please! I'm trying to sleep"
Loves of my life

Esther "Granny" Johnson
Mimi and Corinne---SOOO Cozy

If you showed me this pic at random I would not recognize my own little girl. But everyone says that she looks just like her daddy in this one.

Rooster, thanks for dropping in. It was so great to see you and hear your stories from abroad. Can't wait to see you again!
"I'm head over heels for my family"

Thanks everyone for all the fun times. Aunt Sal, notice my anklets.