Alright, Alright, again we're sorry for the delay in posts, but we've been inundated with house guests for nearly two months. First were the Crumptons (see previous post), then Pappy and gj helped with watching the little one while Melanie finishes school (Thanks Pappy and gj!!!). I will be taking this week (June 4-8) off to watch the little squirt-this is why you're getting updated now.

Corinne is doing soooooo well. Pappy and gj shared the past five weeks with Corinne in a house on the beach. In this time, Betty Ann and Chris DiSilvestro (Mel's Aunt and Uncle) came into Charleston for the arrival of the Tall Ships, and
The Rutledge Farm visited to get a look at the girl. As some of you may know, when The
Rutledge Farm visited the beach house, Gus, one of the two year old twins lost his footing on the steps and fell about 5 feet onto concrete. After spending about two days in the pediatric intensive care unit at MUSC Gus was released to two VERY weathered parents. He is doing fine now, but a goose egg on the side of his head makes his ball caps fit awfully funny.
I thought I'd update everyone on Corinne's progression in the past month.
- She is almost sitting up on her own
- She has rolled from belly to back (only once has been recorded)
- She's cackling
- Everything now goes straight to the mouth (e.g. toys, fingers, dogs tails, teething rings)
- We've removed one book from under the jumper, and she'll be able to go bookless soon
- She LOVES walks around the back yard and touching/watching the leaves
The clan about to embark on La Hacienda's comida buena
Betty Ann and Corinne escaping the heat at the Tall Ships

Alright Pappy, what we need to do is move all these rocks from here to the other side of the house. Let me get this straight, you DO know how to operate this heavy equipment, don't you?

A whole lot better than CHICKEN fingers
SIT, SIT, good girls!