I always look forward to my visists home. Opportunities to relax abound when willing grandparents are around. Corinne is definitely beginning to enter a new 'phase' where she is babbling more and more noticeably trying new sounds for words, increasing her agility by climbing in and out of chairs, preferably rocking ones :-), and imitating our actions. She now brushes her teeth with me in the morning. I've never loved brushing my teeth more! Much of these things occurred over the week we were in Kentucky. She ended up cutting 3 teeth; so being in a new environment, off schedule and cutting teeth, her initial behavior was tolerable considering.
My college friend, Britney, and her son, Ryan, met us in a small town (yes, smaller even than Glasgow!) in Kentucky where the train runs through daily. We ate at a local restaurant then watched our kids ramble about the city playground.
When Ryan wasn't busy doing his Spiderman impersonation, he was waving his light sabor!
Corinne was determined to keep up.

Mom and Dad have a rocking chair in just about every room in the house. Corinne found and sat in every one of them. She was so proud of herself if she could climb into all by herself. She also learned to turn around and sit appropriatey, back to back. Don't think she wanted company. Her splitting grin told how pleased she was to be sitting in the big chair all on her own.
Here she's playing on the chair and stealing Pappy's heart.

Meanwhile, on the homefront...
Roman undertook yet another home improvement project (Go, Roman!). This time: the bathroom. We thought it would be a perfect time to gut and redo the bath while Corinne and I were well out of the way. He's almost finished. I'll photo the finished masterpiece soon. In the meantime, you can all be thinking of how best to rennovate this beauty:

Have a good week.