Gosh, where to start? We've had an active couple of weeks. Gj and Pappy came down for a few days on their way from taking care of the boys in Raleigh. While they were here, we learned some very sad news concerning Roman's uncle Bob. Bob's daughter and husband were killed in a motorcycle accident over the weeekend. They lived in Goose Creek. Our hearts go out to all of you all in your loss. While we hated the occasion, we enjoyed having dinner with Sally, Bob, Sally's daughter, Jessica, her husband, Randall, and daughter, MiRayah. We haven't seem many of them since the wedding. MiRayah is another Guatemalan cousin and kept Corinne very entertained. Sorry about the lack of pics, I need to get with Aunt Sally for those.
Roman did finish the bathroom, for the most part. There are a few cosmetic things that still need to happen, but we've run out of steam. Not to mention shopping time. We're still in need of a dratted vanity light! We can't find one to fit yet. Who said shopping was fun?! I must say, though, that once again, Roman has done a beautiful job of rennovating.

Corinne has been very busy in her little world. She loves shoes. (Girl after Aunt Angie's heart!) Any shoes that are left lying around (and there are plenty of those) she tries to put them on. She loves her little Crocs. In fact, I can't get her to walk around barefoot. If I take her Crocs off she squeals in protest stomping to slide them on herself. She almost has the hang of it.
Over the weekend we headed to Raleigh to celebrate Dave & Allison Jenkins' wedding. Many out of town friends attended, and it was wonderful catching up with old faces. The ceremony and reception were held at an old home that used to be an orphanage. The grounds were just gorgeous.

Speaking of May flowers, every year I have to snap a shot of our front landscaping. The amaryllis make such a statement as spring turns to early summer here. This year the roses decided to challenge the amaryllis and what a War of the Roses it was!
Our visit to Raleigh was also our grand opportunity to meet little Miss Tess. Ah! What a precious little girl. You would hardly know that there is an infant in the house. She looks like a little Owen and sits and watches the boys play. Corinne was excited by her also, and wanted to make sure that she learned the magic of the hanging toys.

Amy's parents, Billy and Elaine, were brave (and kind) enough to babysit 4 children age 3 and under for the afternoon so that we could all go to the wedding. Luckily the weather cooperated and the kids were able to run off steam on the playset.
Owen and Corinne get gritty!

Gus, the "workin'-man", Rutledge scoping for baby jaguars.

The making of a good lawn mower was a hot topic.
Now that we're home, Corinne has been imitating just about everything that Gus did this weekend. Specifically, Zerberts now delight her to no end. She even tried to pull my shirt up in front of a potential babysitter tonight to deliver one!
I always love going on a road trip. Thanks to everyone for a great time! Have a good week!