No baby yet, folks. Many thanks to everyone who has called and inquired on our status. We had a little action last weekend and thought the time had come. Baby decided, ummmm, nope, I like it inside here just fine, thank you. Soooo, we've been in pre-labor symptom-status for over a week now, and we're just waiting around. If you're female and a mom, you know exactly how I feel right now. :-)
Luckily, Corinne has been a typical two-year old to divert my attention. gj and I went out and purchased some baby-sized diapers and fake bottles for her to care for her baby. Wow. She has played with this baby now for hours each day. She's all about baby. Let's just see if it holds when the real one arrives. She's already a little possessive of some of the new baby equipment.
Just a few things we've been up to:
Ceily and her parents came for dinner. Any cake to Corinne is 'happy day cake' so we all sang Happy birthday to no one while the girls enjoyed their dessert.
Corinne is very into Daddy right now. She wants Daddy in the potty, Daddy to do bath, Daddy to read story, etc. Mommy gets the 'bye-bye, Mommy' like 'yer outta here!'
This is what happens when we leave Daddy in charge. hahaha

gj has helped implement craft time this weekend. Instead of coloring, though, she's very intent on taking all of the paper off of the crayons. We got a kick out of her organization. Check out the crayons themselves. All in a straight line, tips pointed down. I have no idea where she gets this. :-) Roman and I have tried to get Corinne to smile for the camera, also. Many of her shots end up looking like mugshots. This is the latest smile attempt.

Hopefully, the next post will reveal the new little one. Love to you all!