Living in Charleston and vacationing in Charleston can be two totally different things. The day to day grind (and two little ones) usually takes me away from the museums, restaurants, and other sight seeing opportunities. Of course, I always make time for the beach and water parks, but it has been a little more difficult this summer with Corinne and Sam. This week Roman needed to be in Georgia for some training, so Pappy and gj made the trek once again to help out. We truly made the week a Charleston vacation and enjoyed every aspect of our historic town.
Mom and I tried the aquarium but were not impressed. For the price, it wasn't nearly hands on enough for a 2 1/2 year old. Sam loved it, viewing the fish Bjorn-style. He was wide awake for the entire 2 hour trip. Many days he was determined to hang out with big sister even at the water park,
Splash Zone. The
Charleston Children's Museum was another morning. I'd forgotten how fun that place is (and how small!). Pappy and gj love their sugar, so each day held some element of a cookie, ice cream, key lime pie, or dinner dessert. Corinne came to know these as 'special snacks' and tried to talk us into one at every opportunity.
We even all went on a 'road trip!' to historic Beaufort where I was able to catch up with my college friend, Britney and son, Ryan. The annual lunch at Plums was yummy. Ryan tried to order a baby brother, but Britney wasn't buying!
Sam puts on a pirate face. Arghhh!

Other events on the agenda: face decorating,
and neighborhood swimming pools.

Corinne really loves the water again this year. She has been busy watching a few of her older friends go under the water and dive for rings, jump in, and simply swim in the pool. She gets more and more brave with each visit. Today she attempted to pick up diving rings herself by holding her breath underwater for several seconds. I'm thrilled and anxious for her for each attempt. Next up, swimming lessons!
Pappy and gj, I'm sending the key lime pie, cookies, homemade ice cream and other sundries your way. My waistline is complaining. :-) Thanks for such a great time.