Greetings from Charleston!

The culminating event of our summer was the anticipated Michigan family reunion. Roman and I packed everything but the kitchen sink to fly to Detroit and rent a car for the week's excursions. All in all the kids did great considering each day brought a different schedule and sometimes a different home for sleeping. Sam blossomed into a social butterfly this week, giggling and chatting with everybody he met. We started our trip in Detroit with the Crumpton side of the family. Debbie and Mike opened up their home (and grill!) to us coming and going to the airport.
Brooke played with Corinne. Corinne called her Leigh Ann all week!?

Joking with Jennifer (Roman's cousin)

On to Mimi's house where 'AA' (Aunt Angela) has been residing before her permanent departure to Bangkok. Mimi lost both of her Yorkies this year and have two new additions, Poppy & Posey. Corinne couldn't leave Poppy alone. Poppy is a saint to tolerate Corinne the way she did.

Mimi's backyard was so cozy. Where better to catch a cool Michigan breeze?

AA, Posey, and Corinne (pointing at her brain).

"Draw this, AA!"

The trip wouldn't be complete without a trip to the Binder Park Zoo. I don't know who was more excited about this trip: Mom&Dad or Corinne. I love this zoo! Their African safari is so authentic and the tram ride to the exhibit is as fun as feeding the giraffes.

Red panda

Prarie dogs

Many of Roman's family live on one of Michigan's finest lakes. These little lakes seem to pop up around the corner when you're out in the country. The kids just loved the open space. The two hottest toys on the market this week were the Barbie car and the trampoline. Corinne and cousins bopped from one to the next.
Belle and Mireyah take a round while Liv, Corinne and Kaleb patiently wait their turn. According to Kaleb, "Corinne's a terrible driver!" Hope she doesn't take after her mom. :-)

While were there, Roman took advantage of the time to catch up with some old high school friends at a mini class reunion at Blossom Lake.

Congratulations goes to cousin Aaron and his wife Yvonne on their newest addition, Amaya. Amaya is three weeks younger than Sam. They had a lot of notes to compare this week. Amaya is welcomed at home by 3 older brothers!

We had a wonderful time with everyone and appreciate all of the hospitality. I must admit, though, that I was clicking my ruby red slippers by the end of the week claiming, "there's no place like home, there's no place like home!" The return flight had us deboard the plane for an hour due to a leaky air conditioner. Try explaining that to a wired 2 1/2 year old who's excited to ride the airplane! After her meltdown and the drive from Myrtle Beach, we all relished in our own beds, our own space.