I love this time of year. The cool weather, pumpkin patches, hayrides, and Halloween. Ok, maybe not necessarily cool down here in Charleston unless you count sitting in the air conditioning because it's 80+ in October! You know how it gets when you love your routine because it keeps everyone sane, yet the time comes when you need to break the rut to appreciate the routine? That's where we were mentally when we started off fall by venturing to the Bensons in Greenville for our first road trip in a while. The weather was perfect, cool days, cold nights, and the kids played great together. Sam and Lila hung in the background and simply watched the ruckus.
The Three Stooges

Back in Charleston we took the kids to Legare Farms to the pumpkin patch. Despite the intense heat, we pretended it was a fall day and enjoyed the festivities. Corinne fed the cows on a hayride and choose the family pumpkin. Roman stepped up to flaunt his carving capabilities.
Not your average Jack-O-Lantern

Corinne's imagination is beginning to bud as she shows more and more interest in her costumes. Between Craig's List and gj, she now has several stock piling in the new costume bin. Pappy and gj came down for a week. We had a nice mellow visit, trying hard to plan things that would tire the kids, not us. :-) One of our favorite pasttimes, dining out, was put on the backburner this visit because we're still experimenting with Corinne's allergies. We managed to dine at Lost Dog though. No trip to us is complete without it. Just as they left, the kids and I headed to our first Halloween party of the season.
Mickey and Minnie Tour Charleston

Halloween night wore both the little ones and the adults out! There's a lot of cute things in this world, and a neighborhood full of wee ones in costume is definitely in my top 10. For the finale the kids chose Teddy Bear and Tinkerbell. We had a blast living vicariously through Corinne as she trick, treated, and dashed to the next house. ("I said thank you, Mom!")



Sam's personality continues to unfold and his mobility increases. We find it doesn't take a second for him to army crawl to his destination. The best are his belly-laughs. He chortles at Corinne's antics then the two of them get going into silly giggles. I love it! He's also very vocal with grunts and sighs. It doesn' take him long to convey his needs. We delight in trying new foods with him.
Ewwww. You can't beet this messy kid!

The holidays are coming upon us. Keep healthy and safe