The weekend started out with numerous Easter egg hunts, many of which were in gj's backyard. Every morning both of the kids headed for the backdoor to hangout on the patio or the swing. The neighbor cat, Charlie, was a great source of amusement for the kids. He even let Sam put him in a choke-hold. "Gentle, Sam!" The weather, warm and beautiful. The spring flowers, stunning-- especially the purple redbuds, forsythia, weeping cherries and dogwoods. Purple, white, yellow and pink poised on Kentucky hillsides.
Corinne and Maren split their attention between serving up soup in the sandbox...
"Do you want chicken noodle or black bean, Mom?"
Queens of the Trampoline. Eat your heart out Olivia!
Sam jams at the music table.
You have to go to 'the farm' when you visit Glasgow. Spencer and Carrie have a stunning view of the countryside while home to many horses. The kids got to see several foals, one as early as four or five hours old.
Austin plays the drums nowadays in addition to hosting their exchange student from Spain, reading, and swimming on the swim team. He was kind enough to treat the kids to a private jam. Corinne said it was too loud.
Sam said bring it on!
Seeing friends on the visit home is always a plus! I was able to hook up with Britney and Ryan at Cave City's own Dinosaur World. The dinos were actually pretty cool. Ryan was so attentive to Sam and very grown-up! Lesson of the day--the colored belts of karate! He had some cool moves, too!
Pappy was swamped with tax season, but caught up with us in the evenings.