Tell me a story...
Corinne's been a bit tough lately. Although all the books say that they cry their most at 6 weeks of age, all the grandparents have kept us in the dark with little quips like "she's an absolute angel." Interestingly, she has a weird cycle. Every other day she IS an angel. A bit of crying here and there, but taking to her naps VERY well. The in-between days is a totally different story. I like to call these 'mama days' since this is when she most resembles her mother ;). Just joking Mel. On these days she's more like a demon stuck in Ned Flanders' house, where not even Pat Boone's Greatest Hits could squelch her discomfort. All this aside, she is an infant and there's no getting by this anytime soon.

Tomorrow is her 6-week visit to the pediatrician. She is scheduled to receive 5 shots. I've heard that this is a tough time for not only her, but also her parents- Oh boy, I can't wait. We'll keep everyone updated on her status sometime after tomorrow's visit. In the meantime enjoy a few more pics below.
Anna and Corinne
Like Father Like Daughter
Meg, Just Watch it!! I'm drying my nails from my professional mani/pedi I recieved earlier.
Denise and Corinne
Whew, all these visitors...
and none here to see us :(