Friday, February 9, 2007

To Swing or Not to Swing

First, I must apologize for my tardiness with this post. Would you believe that we are totally consumed with baby care that I cannot even find time for updates? Or would you believe that our new cable package is hindering my computer performance (see recent blog entry).

Anyway, I find it tough to update often since there really isn't much change at this stage. Corinne is a wonderful bundle of joy, and if there is any change to document it's got to be that she's become a bit more fussy during the day. She fights naps between feedings about every other day. Unfortunately, today is a "no nap" day.

During these tough days we've sought input from others (grandparents, other parents, Yahoo Answers, Dear Abby, and more). Most ask if we have a swing. We don't- at least not yet. Mel purchased one over the internet, after much bickering about the model we should buy. For the first time in our marriage our financial argument was reversed. I wanted the more expensive swing (it just looks so comfortable), and Mel wanted the less expensive, small swing (looked like a bed of nails on springs-just kidding). So we went to Babies R Us in North Charleston (we rarely venture to that part of town due to the obscene amount of traffic) to look at our swingin' options. Of course, they had the one I liked, and the model that Mel liked, but not the correct pattern. After perusing the aisles of Babies R Us for half an hour, we left--empty handed.

So Melanie and I discussed the reasons we each wanted the swings we chose. Mine was that I've used this swing (not personally, but some friends have it and you might have well spiked the kids milk with valium). Melanie's opinion was that her swing was smaller and would not take up as much space. Both points were well made, and when we returned home, Melanie went on the B R US website and found my model with her theme (aquarium). So, needless to say a virtually perfect compromise that won't get here for four to five business days. Please hurry UPS, please.

Here are some pics to tide y'all over:

Doesn't this look like one of those donuts that people put on a toilet seat after having VERY sensitive surgery?

A Beautiful Pair

"The Contortionist"

"Kid's toys? Huh!"


Anonymous said...

Little Corinne she as pretty as the angels when they sing, I can't believe I'm out here on the front porch in this swing, just a-swingin' just a swingin'

Auntie A

Anonymous said...

P.S. Thanks for making the photos "clickable" so I can get a close look at our gorgeous girl, and what a sweet pic of Mommy and daughter.
Kisses to Corinne! Auntie A