Number 1
Miss Teen South Carolina
Oh I think I understand what she was trying to say....
"The Capital of France is Jupiter"
"7+7 is 24"
"100 degrees C is the boiling point of California"
Number 2
Senator Larry Craig (R-Idaho)

Can you believe that this guy didn't know the code to soliciting gay men in an airport bathroom? Unfortunately, I'm afraid he may "get off" these charges due to an impatient arresting officer. The case would have been "open and shut" if the officer would've just waited for three farts, a tinkle and a shake.
Finally, Number 3
On Sunday Night (11:30pm) we awoke to the dogs barking loudly, very loudly. After three trips into the living room to scold the dogs for possibly waking up Corinne, Mel comes running back to let me know that there is a potential fight between neighbors outside, and I was called to mediate. We went outside and the neighbors were not fighting at all, in fact they were in cohoots busting two young men for driving over mailboxes on the street (approximnately 17 total). Interestingly, several months ago our neighbor purchased the largest, gaudiest, most ridiculous faux stone monument and put it in our yard, next to our box. Well, this poor excuse for a freight elevator is responsible for stopping a 2 ton, chevy avalanche V6, and actually suspending the front tire off the ground causing the perps to flee on foot. Actually stumble-they were trashed and carrying their beers. They didn't make it a block and our neighbor tackled and subdued him with some body blows. The cops showed up soon after and arrested both perps. At 2:00 am, the doorbell rang, it was the officer. He filled out a police report and continued down the line. He informed us that we were #14.
Here are some photos of the damage...
The box that stopped the truck is in the background
Ours (foreground) didn't stand a chance
I put the link below for a laugh-apparently the local legislature has REALLY put in this habitat protection law in King County, Washington. They did this for an endangered species, Bipedus Giganticus--Go Figure
17 mailboxes -- that had to be some party!
I'm not sure what is more disturbing about the Miss SC teen -- the fact that she couldn't answer a simple question or the fact that despite her rambling, she got 3rd place!
Hey, a behemoth mailbox like that is a statement. The statement being "Don't tread on me!" (in this case truck tire treads) I challenge you guys --just for laughs and reaction--to erect one bigger and taller than the neighbors, hee hee.
Here in King Co. we sure do love our wildlife. Only here would people be lining up to call--206-625-POOP in the slim hopes of getting in on the drawing for some coveted "Zoo Doo" or as they describe it "pungent piles of poop from non-primate herbivores" for their gardens.
Pics of the new floors please! And that little imp Corinne! XOXOXO Ang
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