Thursday, October 18, 2007

What's Your Vector, Victor?

Corinne is progressing at unbelievable rates!!! She is free standing, and happy about it. This video shows some of her new tricks

Cute, huh?

Corinne has also earned a new nickname; Vector. That is she carries everything contagious back home from daycare. There's been multiple cases of the common cold, thrush, etc... Most recently when dropping her off in the morning the teachers warned Melanie of a new pathogen infecting not only kids but the 'rents too. Interestingly, in a matter of 24 hours Mel had caught the bug: vomiting, nausea, tired, etc. At the same time Dad caught another version of the common cold (we'll call it 4.0). While Mel's illness only lasted 24 hours, Dad is still battling his and Corinne managed to defeat all! Go figure!?!?

This photo was taken the night Dad began feeling sick-wonder why?

Corinne, happy and feelin' good

1 comment:

Shannon Fontana said...

I love the fingers heading up Roman's nose! The look on Corinne's face says it all! She is adorable! -Fellow Follower Fontana