Corinne loves to play uh-duh (pointing out the front door), that means 'outside.' Once she's out, a rousing game of chase begins!
We are realizing that she really does understand instructions and questions, though. Recently, her gj knitted her a new hat to match her vest. When I told her it was time for school and showed her her hat, she tried to put it on her head and made a beeline for the front door! She loves to take her hat on and off. We're really trying to enforce 'no', but we're only met with laughter. Gone is the busy-ease of an infant, hello toddler. Now we really have to start 'parenting.'
"NO?! You want me to leave my hat ON? Okay." 
Hat on.
As always, she's a joy to behold when she discovers new things. Right now the flowers in the yard are a fascination.
"THIS one is my favorite."
Roman was unfortunate enough to catch whatever bug has been going around lately. He's been out of commission for a good week. Happily, he's on the mend now, but it seems everyone we talk to is sick. Corinne keeps the usual runny nose and cough which hasn't kept her down, but the addition of her bottom molars leaves little room for a hearty appetite.
Here's wishing you a healthy hello!
Precious! Precious! Love her spirit!! gj
Uh-duh sounds like it's her "yadda, yadda, yadda." What an absolute cutie.
I can't wait to play chase with little Romana.
Uncle D
Daffodils in February with a beautiful little girl to enjoy them. Who could ask for more.
With love to all,
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