Enjoy the weekend!
Enjoy the weekend!
Roman, Justin, and Dave contemplating the 'Electric slide'. Haha
Pal'ing around with Elizabeth
We did take Corinne to the North Carolina Arboretum in Asheville during the day. The gardens were gorgeous. I'd been there once years and years ago, but they've made so many improvements and additions that it was a new experience for me. I was mainly looking forward to showing Roman the quilt garden. The link shows what it would look like. We only saw it in its planting stage. Still, other exhibits like the bonsai garden and colorful wildflowers were worth the visit.
Corinne has been learning her colors and is telling us that this 'baba' is red! So far she can recognize the difference between some colors but will only tell you when something is 'lello' or 'red.'
This is just a little note on the side. I dropped Corinne off at daycare Friday morning and as we were entering, a classmate and friend, Katilyn, was entering with her father. The two girls squealed and shrieked to see each other, then ran full speed ahead down to their room. It was the first time I've seen her get so excited about one of her classmates. They had the workers peering out of other rooms to check on the commotion.
Another cute story, induldge me here, from daycare... one of the teachers informed me that Corinne gets quite irritated at the wood chips from the playground that work their way into her shoes. She sat down to take her shoes off and a little boy from her class, Gavin, came over to put his arms around her (he thought she was upset). A few minutes later, the same scenario ensued, yet this time he planted one on her! Her first kiss! The teachers said it was too cute. Roman wanted to know if he needed to have a talk with the little guy.
We're enjoying a cool day about 65 out! It's a welcome change from the muggy, mosquito-hungry heat.
Have a great week.
(The video hasn't been working, so here's the link: http://www.wciv.com/news/stories/0808/548702.html)
We had a national young adult author, African drumming groups, a Holocaust survivor, and 2 Vietnam veterans to speak to students who read books of similar topics. Who said reading and books were dead?! :-)
Roman takes on Wesley
Now we sit and wait to watch the local coverage scare everyone to death about Hurricane Hanna on its way. Not to sound to disrespectful of the media, I realize that we are fortunate to be kept informed and out of harm's way. But after living here for 12 years, we just can't hit the panic button just yet. The groceries are already out of water and the gas pumps are triple deep. It's Tuesday. This storm might hit Friday or Saturday. Needless to say, we do have our evacuation plan in place. We'll hope for the best.
Have a great week!