At least one of us will literally be expanding that is. Here he/she is, baby #2! So far, so good at 13 weeks. We have an April 2 due date. We've told Corinne that Mommy has a baby in her belly, but she's clueless. Of course, we'll keep updating as the baby progresses. Isn't it amazing how much they're formed even this early? You can see the hands/arms flailing around the head and the little legs on the other end. Once again, Roman is adamant that we don't find out the sex of the baby. I have to admit the second 'go round that I would like to know. The planner in me wants to have all of the old clothes sorted and organized, etc. But, I guess it can all wait. :-)

Enjoy the weekend!
Yay and CONGRATULATIONS to the whole family, especially you, Melanie! This is wonderful news!!!
We will be growing together.
I am due on the 12th!
Congratulations to the Crumptons!
Owen, Gus & Tess will be very happy to have another cousin.
For the record, Uncle D is guaranteeing with 100% certainty that Corinne will be having a little brother.
(I also picked John Kerry in 2004 and preferred Van Hagar to Van Halen so take that for what it's worth.)
Uncle D
There's my newest little niece/nephew...either way. We can't wait to know you! XOXOXO Auntie A and Uncle M
How many 'April Fools Day' calls will Roman be making on April 1st to tell us the baby is on the way!?! :-) We're thrilled for you guys!
Aunt Amy
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