Where have we been? I think Roman and I can safely say that we got our sea legs with the children/daycare/work schedule. The last few weeks have been filled with simply keeping up with house and home while lingering at the park and the beach as the days cool off to wonderful Charleston weather. Sam has taken well to daycare and is often found shrieking in laughter at all of the children in his class. He continues to grow at a rapid rate, too. We started feeding him cereal a little earlier than the suggested 6mo marker. He still stirs several times a night to eat and just seemed eager to hang with us at the table, so we went for it. I forgot what an interesting journey it is introducing food and teaching an infant how to eat. Once we convince Sam that he doesn't have to eat the spoon, too, he'll do just fine.
Here he proudly displays the remnants of his first taste of peas. Ymmmmm

We've been battling coughing fits from Corinne almost her entire life. Over the summer we decided it was past time to get to the bottom of it. No longer would a "daycare-virus diagnosis" satisfy us. Off to the allergist she goes only to find out that she's allergic to either milk, egg whites, or both. So, in addition to starting school, we've had to restock the house and mind with supplements for a non-dairy diet. We have been slowly eliminating dairy and have seen great results. Because she cleared right up with the dairy first, we feel fairly confident that the cow is the culprit. We'll give her another week without Zyrtec and slowly introduce an egg, then milk to see exactly with which one she reacts. Luckily, we live in an area that supports alternative foods. It's really forced us to bump up our cooking (which we like to do anyway) and toss the cheese. I've had to shed a few tears over the cheese, but we've all acclimated well to the rest of it.
Corinne is now the #1 fan of her tricycle. She rides everyday in and out of the house. Fall is near as the breeze keeps the heat from daytime play. Splash Zone might be closed, but the rest of the park has plenty to offer kids. Corinne now motors through the park, trike cruising at 2 mph. We spread the blanket, toss the soccer ball, and picnic all morning.
Corinne and Hendrix refuel.

This is a mac daddy tricycle. Corinne was eyeballing his ride all morning.

Michelle and Ceily gearing up.

Ceily drives a big wheel. Long live the big wheel.

Roman has been itching to practice with his new fly rod, so until the tides fit his schedule he resorted to some casts landlocked.

The great weather has everybody grilling. Meeting up with friends after a vacation-filled summer has been great. We've had a grand time catching up with everyone. Ava had lots to tell Roman about her first visits anywhere!
How 'bout that bonnet?!

Chrissy and Isabella take a break. Bella and Corinne ran like two 2 year olds should...run off that energy! :-)

Handling both children becomes easier as we all learn each other, new schedules, new milestones. So, Roman and I have begun to swap out nights of independence. Now that the weather has cooled, the evenings are a great time to get in a walk. Corinne especially loves the house "with the red door" where there are actually 3 red doors on the front of the house. It's a great time for Roman to unwind from the day, exercise for me, and best of all, the end result is this...

Last, but not least, we'd like to send out a big hug to Mimi, Pappy and GJ. Happy Grandparent's Day guys, we love you and miss you. Thank you for all of your love and support :-)