Our next Sam battle is sleeping through the night. Corinne was always the champ in this department, hardly making us blurry-eyed during her infancy. Sam on the other hand, has never really 'slept through the night.' I always felt for his size that he should be capable of it, so why isn't he? My doctor pointed out that as long as he wakes and we feed him, he's going to continue to wake. Yummy. Who wouldn't? Soooooo, Roman and I are prepared to start playing the crying game. Why not, we aren't really sleeping anyway. Sigh.
We also mentioned Sam's coughing. We are concerned that if Corinne has a milk allergy chances are he may, too. The doctor suggested trying a soy formula for those needed supplemental bottles. Unfortunately, we tried that months ago, and he hated it. Ahhh, we'll see!
On a fun note, Sam just started sitting up in a seated position. He is thrilled by his new independence and will sit and grunt, giggle, and grab at anything within reach.
Big sister had her first trip to the salon. Noel wooed her into the booster chair and shaped her up for the first time. She was awestruck by the experience and loved the hair dryer. We didn't take much off, it just needed to be styled. We lova the Lava!
She must have learned the love of the hair dryer from watching her AA! Her hair looks so very very blonde in that pic! Sam is just soooo adorable. Flirty boy, love it!
Great pics! You sure do have a chunky little man on your hands! What a cutie! We saw your buddies and their new precious baby in NC last weekend. She was just beautiful! Happy Halloween.
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