Fly fishing the New
Nighttime sillies
Sam really blossomed on the trip. His vocabulary is really building along with his level of understanding. He's so easy-going (as long as his tummy is full :-) and full of laughs. He's cutting molars now and should have them all after this round.
Corinne didn't let AA too far from her side all weekend. They had lots to catch up on.
Corinne has matured a lot this summer. She's so proud of herself for 'staying in the lines!' when she colors, dressing herself, and doing things 'all by myself!' Her swimming has far exceeded our expectations. She's now jumping into the water and swimming under to you and back. Corinne has also started dance classes. To the delight of her aunt and her Mimi, Corinne would quite often break away into an arabesque or shashay in her tutu.
Fortunately, she adores Sam and loves to do for him. Just keep him out of 'my stuff, Mama!'
What stuff?!!
It's been awhile since I've been rolling down hills, tubing down a real lazy river (no offense, Splash Zone), watching fireflies and fireworks on the lawn, and drinking coffee on a swing on a cool summer morning.
Have a good one!
This looks like so-o-o much quality time!!! I am so glad that this all came about in such a lovely setting. Everyone take care! gj
It looks like all of you guys had SUCH a fantastic trip! I can see why Roman was fly fishing 2xs a day! What a beautiful place! Your kids are growing up so fast! Where's Sam that baby? Hmm?! Wow! Such sweet pictures. Making memories for sure!
It was sooo lovely, miss those two and you guys tons. Hope we can see you next year in BKK! XOXO
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