Grilling at the park. Ageless, timeless, effortless. Why didn't I think of that? Gj had a great idea to pack a cooler and let the kids run off some steam while we imbibe and grill out. I know that this is something simple, but sometimes after working all week, I take the easy road with the kids and don't always want to do the extra little things. Little did I know that heading to the park would be so easy! We had most of the stuff on hand and just threw it in a bag.
A real monkey on the monkey bars!

No park grill is complete without smores! We ate ourselves silly with the classic combination.

Want some marshmellow-pinestraw goo?! Uh, no thank you!

You want more marshmellow? I'll give you more marshmellow!!

Goofy kids

Two more goofy kids

"Ima big-kid now!"

Fun-Fun-Fun-!! Thanks for sharing! GJ
Truly beautiful these photos! if you like to cook passes to my blog:-D
Awesome photo's..
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