Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Her First Teeth

I thought I should take a moment and comment on some of Corinne's 'beginnings.' She recently found her thumb and at times will ferociously suckle fist, fingers, and thumb, sometimes all at once. She doesn't completely soothe herself to sleep with the new discovery; however, the pacifier remains helpful with the final countdown to snoozing. What a shame that her parents are using her for a quick laugh...

Corinne has always slept very well for us; she a sleeper, not a napper. Guess you can't have it all, huh?! She enticed her mom with 7 to 9 hour nights early on. Recently, though, she regressed to 3-6 hour sessions. I thought, 'growth spurt!' As all new parents, we try to determine what she's really thinking and really wanting. Sometimes we hit the mark, sometimes not. Several friends and their doctors feel that the 10-10-10 idea should be utilized. At 10lbs or 10weeks a baby is capable of sleeping 10 hours. With few days left on my maternity leave, I figured it's now or never to let her cry through some late night feedings. She was doing 9 hour stretches earlier, so I knew she was capable (and the little munchkin has to be close to 14-15lbs!). I forewarned Roman and prepared for a night of frustration. Corinne was a champ. I think I'd been getting her up to eat, when really she was content to use the pacifier and go right back down. I also took her Moses basket away last night...her first night as a big girl in her crib. I have a feeling she'll be rolling soon. She was all over the crib! Each nightly check showed her scooting an almost 360 after being righted!

We're anxiously awaiting the arrival of the Crumpton family. Corinne has more loving family to greet! Next week Roman plays Mr. Mom. As long as he doesn't take her out in the canoe for an early fishing trip, I feel confident that they'll have a wonderful time together.

Corinne says hurry up Mimi and Aunt Ang!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Silly wabbit --all you need now are the big ears! I'm coming to see you Miss Corinne, and I cannot wait! Love, Auntie A