Sunday, October 28, 2007

gj visits

Last week Roman worked in Kentucky leaving me to face life as a single mom for a week. I wasn't too keen on the idea, and lucky for me, gj wanted to visit and help out. Mom stepped out of her comfort zone and drove the distance with Sayla riding shotgun. Way to go, Jane! She quickly found out how fast Corinne can make it to the dogs' water bowl, to the toliet paper under the bathroom sink, and to your pant legs begging to be picked up.

Mom got to witness the arrival of Corinne's 5th tooth and help her master the art of sipping from a sippy cup. Corinne loved the apple juice and began smacking her lips together in delight. She now smacks her lips in anticipation of her next meal or snack. Now we're introducing the toothbrush. She loves how it feels on her gums. I always check to see if there is a gnoothbrush on her toothbrush. Any Suess fans out there?

We had a grand week dining out several nights and shopping for fall clothes. I don't know how I could have managed without the extra hands. Thanks so much, gj, for all of your hard work. Hopefully, we didn't wear her out too badly. She needs her strength as she heads north...On the road the other grandchildren!


Anonymous said...

I had a wonderful time!!! What a sweet, sweet girl!! My energy level quickly revitalizes which keeps me going. I think it's being around the grandchildren that does the trick. I look forward to each visit! gj

Anonymous said...

Good dental hygiene ALREADY? I'm so proud! Soon you'll be ready for a power toothbrush from Auntie Angela! ;-)