Friday, November 23, 2007

Many Thanks

Ahhh...the relaxing of Thanksgiving, eating large, melting into the couch like so much syrup. We've had a wonderful break just enjoying the daily routine without the hustle of the work week. Corinne babbles more and more these days, the majority of which is 'dadadadadadadada." I'm desperately trying to get that mmmmm sound in there :-) She's really imitating sounds, too. One of her favorites is the "Ah-oh" sound. She'll sing song this over and over to herself. This is one of the more popular spots which usually warrants one of those "Ah-oh's" from mama.

Roman aided the fellow fishermen of Edenton, NC last week as they stocked striped bass 'stripers' to their local waterways. He compared the small town to Beaufort, very quaint and historic. Meanwhile, Pappy and gj were enjoying hanging out in Charleston with the girls. Thanks again to Mom and Dad for helping us out.

Roman only works with 4 other people at the Hatchery, so everyone pulls a holiday shift at some point. He opted to work for Thanksgiving so he can relax with Corinne for her first Christmas and New Year's. We headed to Mt Pleasant to join Joel and Suzi's crew. There's never a shortage of fried turkey, Mandy's butternut squash, Nougettina (sp?) dessert, beer, wine, and extra kids to play with Corinne.


Jodi and Katie are being prepped for babysitting.

Christopher is thinking PROM in a few years :-)

We are so thankful to have so many good friends. Hope everyone enjoyed time with their friends and family as well. Gobble, gobble!

1 comment:

Shannon Fontana said...

It looks like you guys had a great Thanksgiving! (I wish I had the company of Jim Croce at Turkey dinner!)