Monday, February 9, 2009

Nothing New

Wow, we're lame, aren't we? It doesn't seem like weeks ago that we last posted. Whew. Not a whole lot going on really. Chloe had another place removed from her back. She's such a trooper! You should've seen the original t-shirt she wore. I don't think Roman appreciated it: his black Social Distortion T. Chloe wasn't supposed to be involved with any vigorous activity, and what does she do? Bounds around the backyard like she's two! I swear, this dog will always be a puppy at heart.

Sporting the US Fish and Wildlife T

Corinne is getting all sorts of changes with her bedroom. We're trying to prep her so we can use all of her furniture for the baby. So far, so good. She loves the 'big bed'! We moved the full bed into her room. There goes the guest bed.

Look, Mom, all of my toys fit on the bed!

She's also potty training pretty well. We only use diapers at home when she sleeps. Still need some work at daycare; she hates to leave playing with friends long enough to go there.

Happy Day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Only one Chloe!!!!! Glad she enjoys the BIG bed (for all of her toys). What a cutie! gj