Sam is really growing and filling out lately. Shoot, he should the way he's been eating! We visited the doctor for his well-check this week and he'd gained almost 2lbs and grew an inch and a half in 2 weeks! He's up to 9.4lbs and 22 1/2" long. That was Monday. I dare say that he's more than that today. Trying to figure out nursing with Sam has been a bit more of a challenge than it was with Corinne. The fact that he's growing (a lot!) tells me that something must be going right. Here's a few pics to show his progress:
Hey, this thing is moving!
Cousin Brittany visits from Savannah

Sisterly love

Big Sister is enjoying Sam also. Everytime he cries she says, "Feed 'im, Mama, feed 'im!" She's still our little helper doing a great job of bringing me diapers and toys for him. She also enjoys trying on his clothes. Naturally, they don't go very far.

"Tee hee hee. That's so silly!"

Enjoy the weekend!
Hey Baby Sam! It sounds like you are growing very well! You and Sofia have something in common. Sofia ate ALL the time and was even off the weight chart at 112% for many months! Sofia was 18 pounds at 4 months. C'mon, Sam, you can do it!
Love the pictures! What a little family! Sam is on the watch---what's goin' on, what's goin' on. Give them a hug for me. gj
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