Monday, October 11, 2010
Roman who?
Timeless Fun
Grilling at the park. Ageless, timeless, effortless. Why didn't I think of that? Gj had a great idea to pack a cooler and let the kids run off some steam while we imbibe and grill out. I know that this is something simple, but sometimes after working all week, I take the easy road with the kids and don't always want to do the extra little things. Little did I know that heading to the park would be so easy! We had most of the stuff on hand and just threw it in a bag.

No park grill is complete without smores! We ate ourselves silly with the classic combination.

A real monkey on the monkey bars!
No park grill is complete without smores! We ate ourselves silly with the classic combination.
Want some marshmellow-pinestraw goo?! Uh, no thank you!
Goofy kids
Two more goofy kids
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Moving right along...
Ouch. Last post two months ago! We wrapped up our summer with simple activities and a stay-cation around Charleston. Roman and Corinne were busy designing tie-dyed shirts. Too bad they shrunk so that only Sam can wear them. They turned out really cute.
Roman celebrates his birthday. Two cake mixes later, I put our new cake mold to the test to brush up on my cupcake skills!

Do all children love shoes? 'Cause my kids love shoes. I can't keep Sam out of my closet. Some mornings he lets me know that I chose the pair he wanted!
I think we're all ready for some cool fall days/nights. Personally, I love an oyster roast. We're into the 'r' months! School and work keep us busy, but we are fortunate that we both love what we do. Corinne stays busy with her dance class. Sam is just busy. Busy. Busy. We're looking forward to a little Panic this weekend and gj and Pappy visit. It'll be nice to play this weekend. Have a good one!
Mmmmmmm...giant cupcake!
Do all children love shoes? 'Cause my kids love shoes. I can't keep Sam out of my closet. Some mornings he lets me know that I chose the pair he wanted!
Awww, you're not planning to blackmail me with this later, are you?!
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Charleston Stay-cation
I love vacationing in our own hometown. Usually when Pappy and GJ visit, it's a working visit for everyone as we scramble to keep the kids, get to work, fix the house, and squeeze in QT where we can. The spring rains around Kentucky and Tennessee ruined Pappy and GJ's basement, so they are in the middle of home renovations, i.e. there's no 'play room.' We switched gears from our usual KY visit to a Charleston Stay-cation. With nowhere special to be, we did the beach, water park, children's museum, pirate park, movie theatre, and just about every restaurant in the vicinity.

Mom and I thought it would be awesome to take Corinne to her first movie, Toy Story 3. She was only a little squirly and only asked to leave a few times. My girl just doesn't do movies. She stuck it out, though. There was no way I was leaving without finding out the fate of Woody and friends! Good thing I brought along my kleenex!

As always, we had a fabulous time. Every visit, I feel like I'm ten again when they leave; I have to keep myself from running after the car for just one more hug!
Corinne warmed her gj's heart with the latest addition to the area: 'the hot dog restaurant', Jack's Cosmic Dog. No child or gj should be denied the experience. :)
Sam and Pappy polish off the guacamole at Taco Boy
Mom and I thought it would be awesome to take Corinne to her first movie, Toy Story 3. She was only a little squirly and only asked to leave a few times. My girl just doesn't do movies. She stuck it out, though. There was no way I was leaving without finding out the fate of Woody and friends! Good thing I brought along my kleenex!
Roman and Pappy tried to outsmart the local fish.
As always, we had a fabulous time. Every visit, I feel like I'm ten again when they leave; I have to keep myself from running after the car for just one more hug!
Love and miss you guys. Thanks for everything!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Creekside Crowd
We ventured to Virginia to meet Roman's family over the fourth. Angela flew into the states from Bangkok to visit Mimi in Michigan. They were adventurous enough to drive and meet us halfway (more or less). Roman found this beautiful creek off of the New River in Pearisburg, VA. We couldn't have asked for a more beautiful venue. This is where we found Roman each morning and evening.
Who needs toys when you have jacuzzi bathtubs? The kids had a blast each evening soaking all of us as the jets roared.
AA brought badminton and the kids found many uses for the rackets. No one broke anything and they both managed to hit a birdie or two.

Sam really blossomed on the trip. His vocabulary is really building along with his level of understanding. He's so easy-going (as long as his tummy is full :-) and full of laughs. He's cutting molars now and should have them all after this round.
Corinne has matured a lot this summer. She's so proud of herself for 'staying in the lines!' when she colors, dressing herself, and doing things 'all by myself!' Her swimming has far exceeded our expectations. She's now jumping into the water and swimming under to you and back. Corinne has also started dance classes. To the delight of her aunt and her Mimi, Corinne would quite often break away into an arabesque or shashay in her tutu.
Fortunately, she adores Sam and loves to do for him. Just keep him out of 'my stuff, Mama!'

It's been awhile since I've been rolling down hills, tubing down a real lazy river (no offense, Splash Zone), watching fireflies and fireworks on the lawn, and drinking coffee on a swing on a cool summer morning.. It was wonderful.

Have a good one!
Fly fishing the New
Nighttime sillies
Sam really blossomed on the trip. His vocabulary is really building along with his level of understanding. He's so easy-going (as long as his tummy is full :-) and full of laughs. He's cutting molars now and should have them all after this round.
Corinne didn't let AA too far from her side all weekend. They had lots to catch up on.
Corinne has matured a lot this summer. She's so proud of herself for 'staying in the lines!' when she colors, dressing herself, and doing things 'all by myself!' Her swimming has far exceeded our expectations. She's now jumping into the water and swimming under to you and back. Corinne has also started dance classes. To the delight of her aunt and her Mimi, Corinne would quite often break away into an arabesque or shashay in her tutu.
Fortunately, she adores Sam and loves to do for him. Just keep him out of 'my stuff, Mama!'
What stuff?!!
It's been awhile since I've been rolling down hills, tubing down a real lazy river (no offense, Splash Zone), watching fireflies and fireworks on the lawn, and drinking coffee on a swing on a cool summer morning.
Have a good one!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
First Fish
The first Saturday of June Roman's work hosts a Kids Fishing Day. This year we gathered all of Corinne's friends to try their luck. I'm not sure who had more fun, the kids running around eating hot dogs or the dads who got to throw a few lines (helping children, of course!). Seriously, the kids have to be the ones to reel in the fish.

In response, Roman just HAD to purchase a pink tackle box for Corinne. He's outfitted it with plenty of fake worms with shimmers and sparkles. She slept with it then was up at 5am this morning rattling around with that darn box.
Happy Fishing!
Can you see Roman's chest bursting?!
In response, Roman just HAD to purchase a pink tackle box for Corinne. He's outfitted it with plenty of fake worms with shimmers and sparkles. She slept with it then was up at 5am this morning rattling around with that darn box.
Happy Fishing!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Summer begins
Hopefully, this will sum up a little of the early summer events. The video is a little long; maybe one only grands will love. Kids are doing great! Enjoy.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Spring Bunnies
The weekend started out with numerous Easter egg hunts, many of which were in gj's backyard. Every morning both of the kids headed for the backdoor to hangout on the patio or the swing. The neighbor cat, Charlie, was a great source of amusement for the kids. He even let Sam put him in a choke-hold. "Gentle, Sam!" The weather, warm and beautiful. The spring flowers, stunning-- especially the purple redbuds, forsythia, weeping cherries and dogwoods. Purple, white, yellow and pink poised on Kentucky hillsides.
Corinne and Maren split their attention between serving up soup in the sandbox...
"Do you want chicken noodle or black bean, Mom?"
Queens of the Trampoline. Eat your heart out Olivia!
Sam jams at the music table.
You have to go to 'the farm' when you visit Glasgow. Spencer and Carrie have a stunning view of the countryside while home to many horses. The kids got to see several foals, one as early as four or five hours old.
Austin plays the drums nowadays in addition to hosting their exchange student from Spain, reading, and swimming on the swim team. He was kind enough to treat the kids to a private jam. Corinne said it was too loud.
Sam said bring it on!
Seeing friends on the visit home is always a plus! I was able to hook up with Britney and Ryan at Cave City's own Dinosaur World. The dinos were actually pretty cool. Ryan was so attentive to Sam and very grown-up! Lesson of the day--the colored belts of karate! He had some cool moves, too!
Pappy was swamped with tax season, but caught up with us in the evenings.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
He's ONE!
That's right, he really is. And, yes, this year went by even faster than our first year with Corinne. Sam is such a happy little boy and can always be seen smiling. Or eating. :-) Sam loves to snack all day if you'd let him. Which is why I was surprised that he was less than excited at his first cupcake. He was concerned about the icing on his fingers and kept trying to flick it off!

Happy Birthday, sweet Sam!
I want YOU! (To bring me more cake ;-)
Happy Birthday, sweet Sam!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
The Circus
Our lives could definitely be defined as a circus right now. By the time we juggle sick children, jobs, and faulty plumbing, we find ourselves walking tightropes and jumping through hoops to get everything accomplished.
Corinne's class at school held their annual Circus last week even though a nasty fever and virus seemed to keep many students out of school off and on all week including our own. Corinne was out Tuesday and Wednesday before the Circus on Thursday. While at the performance, we had to take Sam out for a high temperature, too. Ah! Thankfully, it seems to only be a low grade fever and the sniffles.
So, maybe it was her mood that kept her from performing Thursday. Corinne was the only one who contracted stage fright and refused to come out with the others. I managed to grab a few photos of her, though, backstage. Side note, gj made the clown costume over 30 years ago! I think Derek may have worn it also.

Have a great week.
Corinne's class at school held their annual Circus last week even though a nasty fever and virus seemed to keep many students out of school off and on all week including our own. Corinne was out Tuesday and Wednesday before the Circus on Thursday. While at the performance, we had to take Sam out for a high temperature, too. Ah! Thankfully, it seems to only be a low grade fever and the sniffles.
So, maybe it was her mood that kept her from performing Thursday. Corinne was the only one who contracted stage fright and refused to come out with the others. I managed to grab a few photos of her, though, backstage. Side note, gj made the clown costume over 30 years ago! I think Derek may have worn it also.
Lady and the Tramp
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Let it snow, let it snow!
It doesn't happen very often. Snow in the South. Friday evening, Feb. 12, Charleston was blanketed with roughly 2-3" of snow. The town shut down Friday afternoon. I almost woke Corinne up to have her watch it. Looking back, I wish I had. But she got to enjoy it! Yes, the picture here is dark because it's morning at our house.
Roman let me sleep in Saturday morning until 7am. When I came out for a cup of Joe, this image greeted me.

Now, I know that Charleston winters aren't arctic by any stretch, but we've really had a cold winter here. The weatherman spouted trivia that from January 1st to Feb. 16th last year, Charleston had about 11 days around 70 degrees. The year before it was 6 days. This year: none. The thin-bloods down here have really been whining. I have to say that I love it. I love the cool to balance the sultry summers that usually cling to the fall and winter months.
Lame excuse for a snowman, but I wanted to hurry up and sit inside enjoying the snow while sipping my coffee.
Roman let me sleep in Saturday morning until 7am. When I came out for a cup of Joe, this image greeted me.
Now, I know that Charleston winters aren't arctic by any stretch, but we've really had a cold winter here. The weatherman spouted trivia that from January 1st to Feb. 16th last year, Charleston had about 11 days around 70 degrees. The year before it was 6 days. This year: none. The thin-bloods down here have really been whining. I have to say that I love it. I love the cool to balance the sultry summers that usually cling to the fall and winter months.
Lame excuse for a snowman, but I wanted to hurry up and sit inside enjoying the snow while sipping my coffee.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
First Steps
He did it. Sam is now taking first steps on his own. I love the pride in his face when he realizes what he's done. Don't you know that babies must just love it when they can finally do what the big folks are doing everyday?!
Sam is in his own little world right now. I call him my little Cave Man because he's favorite form of communication is loud grunts and growls. Luckily, he's becoming adept at sign language, so there's hope for a gentleman someday. :-)
Here he is in action.
Sam is in his own little world right now. I call him my little Cave Man because he's favorite form of communication is loud grunts and growls. Luckily, he's becoming adept at sign language, so there's hope for a gentleman someday. :-)
Here he is in action.
Old friend, new friend
After the birthday bash, we were excited to get out of town for the MLK weekend in the mountains. Mike and Jane Ann are proud parents of little Emma Rose who's close to 5 months now. What a darling little girl! She watched the craziness with good humor.

Our friends Carla and Preston brought their new bundle of joy, Reece, over for dinner. It was so good to see them. Reece is a few months younger than Sam.
Thanks for a great time!
Our friends Carla and Preston brought their new bundle of joy, Reece, over for dinner. It was so good to see them. Reece is a few months younger than Sam.
Couldn't you get lost in those eyes?
Thursday, January 14, 2010
The Magic continues...
Sheeeee's 3! This year Corinne wanted a Halloween party for her birthday. I finally figured out that she wanted to dress up for her big day, so we planned a Tinkerbell/Peter Pan party with fairies and pirates. Sadly, it was a high of 40, so our day at the park turned into many fairies and mates running around our house on a chilly afternoon. Luckily we had the foresight to plan some outdoor activities and arranged for a fire pit outside. Oozy, gooey marsh mellows hanging off sticks over a fire was the perfect kid magnet.
She has begun the art of negotiation. My favorite is instead of a "5 minutes!" countdown, she says, "How 'bout 2 minutes, Mama?!" No problem. We'll take your suggestion. She started in the next class at daycare, the '3's. So far, so good. Corinne takes change in stride. For the first week she really hung back and watched how the clock works. Once she figures that out, she runs the clock. Or tries to.
We were so busy parenting and playing host and hostess that we didn't take any still photos. I did manage a clip of the birthday moment.
She has begun the art of negotiation. My favorite is instead of a "5 minutes!" countdown, she says, "How 'bout 2 minutes, Mama?!" No problem. We'll take your suggestion. She started in the next class at daycare, the '3's. So far, so good. Corinne takes change in stride. For the first week she really hung back and watched how the clock works. Once she figures that out, she runs the clock. Or tries to.
We were so busy parenting and playing host and hostess that we didn't take any still photos. I did manage a clip of the birthday moment.
The Magic of the Season
A little late on the holiday post. So sorry. We got caught up in the relaxation of playing with the kids and holing up inside during the cold weather. It was so nice not to have to play Beat the Clock every morning and evening in preparation for the school/work day.
Pappy and gj came to celebrate Christmas with us. We enjoyed much of the usual holiday activities including a train ride at the Festival of Lights, walks around the neighborhood admiring the lights, and the baking!

Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday!
Pappy and gj came to celebrate Christmas with us. We enjoyed much of the usual holiday activities including a train ride at the Festival of Lights, walks around the neighborhood admiring the lights, and the baking!
You know the reindeers. Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, and Corinne.
Sugar cookies for Santa.
Playful elf.
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